A Match Made in.....

Unbeknownst to Chipalo and Ashley, destiny had played a whimsical trick on them long before they ever swiped right on a dating app. In the year 2019, Chipalo had purchased a house just two blocks away from Ashley's humble abode. Little did they know that their paths were destined to cross, but fate had a grand plan in store for them.

It wasn't until a fateful week in mid-October of 2021 that their stars finally aligned on the digital playground of love known as Hinge. Ashley, a dreamer searching for her forever, and Chipalo, an adventurous soul open to new experiences and connections, found themselves matched in the vast expanse of cyberspace. As they exchanged playful banter and got to know each other through the app, fate seemed to intervene once more as they stumbled upon each other on yet another platform, the League. Realizing the cosmic forces at play, Chipalo seized the opportunity and decided to ask Ashley out on their first date.

It was a magical Thursday evening when Chipalo and Ashley met face-to-face at Bammy's, a charming Caribbean restaurant in the heart of DC. Over plates of delectable curry goat and accompanied by a couple of indulgent pina coladas, Ashley felt a connection unlike any she had experienced before. As she leaned back, savoring the flavors and the moment, she couldn't help but wonder, "Is this my person?" Their first date seemed to defy the constraints of time, as seven hours flew by in a blink. They found themselves irresistibly drawn to each other's company, hopping from one spot to another, dancing the night away under the spell of newfound attraction.

And then, in a moment of whimsy, Chipalo jokingly invited Ashley to join him on a birthday trip to Mexico the following week. To his delightful surprise, she beamed with excitement and accepted the impromptu invitation. Within just a week of their first meeting, they were embarking on an adventure south of the border, celebrating Chipalo's birthday with some of his closest friends.

I can show you the world...

Little did they know that this was just the beginning of a whirlwind romance that would take them on exhilarating journeys across the globe. From Grenada to Panama, Hawaii to Colombia, and the enchanting French Polynesian Islands, they found themselves savoring life's every moment, hand in hand.

With hearts as adventurous as their spirits, they indulged in golfing, explored the wonders of the sea through sorkling, embraced the thrill of tennis matches, and shared laughter and stories over their culinary creations on grill nights. Under the moonlit skies of foreign lands, they danced the salsa.

A force when we're together

As their love grew, so did their support for each other's dreams and aspirations. Chipalo's passion for public service led him to run for and become a State Representative, while Ashley bravely ventured into entrepreneurship, becoming fully self-employed at her own consulting and tech company. As they overcame challenges and reached their goals easily together, they realized that their bond was not only strong but empowering, making them better versions of themselves together. With eagerness and anticipation, they look forward to even more adventures, not just in terms of traveling the world, but also in discovering the mysteries of life and growing their empire side by side.

Family of 3

Ashley, along with her beloved 95-pound dog, Jaxon, moved to Seattle to be with Chipalo, who became Jaxon's adoring daddy.

Now, returning to Mexico, they are ready to say "I do" and embrace a lifetime of love, laughter, and the magic that life holds for them as they step into the next chapter of their journey. Chipalo and Ashley know that together, they are unstoppable, and they can't wait to create more beautiful memories and embrace the magic that life has in store for them.